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Animated Napkin Folds by Grog™

The Trusted Guide to the Art: 40 Methods to Fold Table Napkins.

Napkin Fold of the Day
Napkin Water Lily Animation

New Website: Enjoy the best step-by-step animations of forty well known patterns that will grace any dinner table for banquet, wedding, feast or even supper in your own home. Keyboard contro makes the steps easy to follow - just pause, make the fold, and continue.

Storage: Save yourself time – choose a technique based on the method of storage. In addition, if the napkins have been stored folded into quarters, avoid using a "Flat" or "Half" design because the extra creases will often spoil the appearance.

  • Stored Flat with no folds.
  • Stored folded in Half with just one fold.
  • Stored folded into Quarters with two folds.
  • Stored folded as a Triangle with one diagonal fold.

Final Use: Alternatively choose your method based on your plans:

  • Designs that can be prepared in advance and Stored Folded.
  • Designs that make Pockets for silverware or cards.
  • Designs that are striking because they Stand Tall.

Paper or Fabric: Most techniques can be used for both paper and a wide choice of Fabrics. However, some designs involve making a cuff, e.g., The Elf hat, or The Rose. Then, paper or stiffly-starched fabric may be less suitable.

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Difficulty: Some techniques are quick and easy; some are a little more awkward. Therefore, for each group we have also included an Options section ranking them from the easiest to the hardest.

In practice, attractiveness and difficulty are not closely related. In fact, one of the most eye-catching designs, The Tuxedo, is also one of the quickest and easiest to make.

Precision: When using napkins that have been stored folded, e.g., into Quarters, check the accuracy. If the corners don't stack over each other neatly, some designs will not look so neat.

Disclaimer: Any activity that involves ropes is potentially hazardous. Lives may be at risk - possibly your own. Considerable attention and effort have been made to ensure that these descriptions are accurate. However, many critical factors cannot be controlled, including: the choice of materials; the age, size, and condition of ropes; and the accuracy with which these descriptions have been followed. No responsibility is accepted for incidents arising from the use of this material.

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Version 6.0 Jan 1, 2016
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