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Bird of Paradise Bishop's Hat Pair of Candles Napkin Crown Elf Hat Peeling a Banana Pyramid Rosebud Single Candle Standing Fan Three Corner Hat
Animation: Elf Hat Folding (Tall)Animation: Elf Hat Folding
Elf Hat Folding (Tall)

Elf Hat Folding

Start with the Napkin folded in half. Use a finger to pin down the center and then roll the napkin around the finger to make a cone. Roll up the free edge to make a cuff and stand the finished hat up.

How to fold the Elf Hat

Ease of Folding: The Elf Hat is very quickly folded but making the cuff can be a little tricky.

Fabric: Moderately stiff napkin fabric is required so that the final hat can stand up without collapsing.

Precision: Precision is not critical because any slight asymmetry can be corrected when the cuff is made.

Notes: This is one of the simple designs which produce a delightful finished product. It can be decorated with a bow, or a place name card may be tucked into the cuff.

Disclaimer: Any activity that involves ropes is potentially hazardous. Lives may be at risk - possibly your own. Considerable attention and effort have been made to ensure that these descriptions are accurate. However, many critical factors cannot be controlled, including: the choice of materials; the age, size, and condition of ropes; and the accuracy with which these descriptions have been followed. No responsibility is accepted for incidents arising from the use of this material.

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